Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Why I Now Hate Divine Vs Demonic

So, I got packs of Legions for the ULCs. I had opened up about 9 packs and was thinking that there wasn't much in the way of good stuff busted yet. Busted number 10 - nothing special. Busted number 11 - FOIL AKROMA!!!!!!! Sweet!!!!!!. I was very happy. I finished the set of three by busting pack 12 - A NON-FOIL AKROMA!!!!!! Super sweet!!!!!!!! Then I looked to see that DvD Akromas were pre-selling for about ten bucks on EvilBay. WHAT?!?!??!?! Well crud, that's going to sap the value straight out of what was once a fifty-plus dollar foil. That's all I've got right now.

See ya!

1 comment:

  1. "EvilBay"... that is funny. Nothing like a giant internet garage sale where everyone can see your prices and uncut you. The joys of capitalism.
